main cantik advertising agency
main cantik advertising agency
The word "hybrid" is getting more and more used these days. It seems like a good way to combine two things into one. Two different fields of work or ways…
Recently, I received an interview invitation from a student to explain more about Viral Marketing. And funny enough there’s also a question about what are your suggestions about Viral Marketing?…
Enak atau dienak-enakin. Penolakan biasanya terjadi karena keluarnya kita dari zona nyaman. Sebuah ide yang gila, perlu waktu, ‘chemistry, dan keinginan kuat dari banyak pihak untuk akhirnya terwujud. Karena setelah…
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify. Those are the words I saw glued (awkwardly enough) on the male toilet’s wall in Lowe Jakarta back in 2008. My newly joined ECD stared at the…
Telat ngangkat, frase yang cukup sering kita dengar dan punya implikasi lumayan fatal kalau tidak dilakukan; menjemur baju di musim hujan, menggoreng ikan sambil menyimak drakor, fotokopi dokumen penting sambil…
About Us | Our Work | Contact Us Aji Bekti FOUNDER & DIRECTOR Aji brings more than 15…